#N canvas 335 118 632 442 10; #X obj 0 0 doc_h; #X obj 0 408 doc_f; #X obj 125 58 var.#; #X text 189 44 somewhat like [#store] but designed to be most especially to grids what [f] is to floats and [symbol] is to symbols.; #X obj 3 220 doc_i 2; #X obj 3 326 doc_o 1; #X text 191 85 it was named that way because if you alias [f] to [var.f] \, and [s] to [var.s] \, then [var.\$1] will instantiate an object of that class-family. (this is related to the PureUnity project); #X obj 14 356 doc_oo 0; #X obj 14 294 doc_ii 1; #X obj 97 356 doc_m o0 grid; #X obj 97 294 doc_m i1 grid; #X obj 97 272 doc_m i0 grid; #X obj 97 250 doc_m i0 bang; #X obj 14 250 doc_ii 0; #X obj 14 188 doc_cc 0; #X obj 3 158 doc_c 0..1; #X obj 97 188 doc_m c0 grid; #X obj 3 388 doc_also; #X obj 103 388 #store; #X text 232 356 the grid that was stored; #X text 232 188 store this grid; #X obj 232 294 doc_same 0; #X text 232 272 same as sending to inlet 1 then banging when finished. ; #X obj 151 388 #finished; #X text 232 250 output the stored grid; #X connect 9 1 19 0; #X connect 10 1 21 0; #X connect 11 1 22 0; #X connect 12 1 24 0; #X connect 16 1 20 0; #X connect 17 1 18 0; #X connect 17 1 23 0;