#N canvas 0 0 632 332 10; #X obj 0 0 doc_h; #X obj 3 278 doc_also; #X obj 0 298 doc_f; #X obj 103 278 doc_link #many; #X obj 3 198 doc_i 0; #X obj 3 238 doc_o 0; #X obj 3 84 doc_c 1; #X obj 14 114 doc_cc 0; #X obj 97 114 doc_m c0 float; #X text 191 44 properties dialogue for [#many].; #X text 232 114 the \$0 of the [#many] it was created by. It will be used to construct the receive-symbol \$1-propin and the send-symbol \$1-propout \, which are used to open the dialogue and apply the settings \, respectively. (closing the window also uses the send-symbol \, with selector 'cancel').; #X connect 1 1 3 0; #X connect 8 1 10 0;