#$Id$ NOTE: This file (the text below the dotted line) is slightly out of date. This folder is a version of pylti that supports ruby (rblti) and compiles with gcc. Make sure that gcc 3.x is being used because LTIlib still can't be compiled using gcc 4.x and because C++ libraries can only be linked together if they use the same major version of gcc. If you want to use LTIlib with GridFlow then GridFlow must also be compiled using gcc 3.x. ------------------8<--------cut-here--------8<------------------ This is pylti, a project to build Python bindings for the ltilib. Requires: * Python 2.4 * ltilib 1.9.12 * Microsoft .NET 2003 C++ Optional: * swig 1.3.24 or higher Install: * you have to compile your ltilib with the option MFC_Shared_Release=1 * extract the archive in the misc directory where ltilib is installed. This will create a subdirectoy pylti-version-no. * open a shell and enter the installation directory (example: ltilib/misc/pylti-0.32), than run python setup.py install to build the wrapper modules and to install these in your python installation. * if you want to add new features to pylti you need swig to generate the wrapper code. You need at least a swig version 1.3.24 or higher. * optional: to create the generated parameter header files in the generated-directory for the support of the nested parameter-classes: create doxygen XML output for the ltilib (in directory ltilib/xml) and run python gen_ltilib_classes.py License: LGPL Authors: Michael Neuroth ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supported ltilib classes and functions: _cannyEdges_parameters _chromaticityHistogram_parameters _classicEdgeDetector_parameters _classifier_outputTemplate _classifier_outputVector _classifier_parameters _colorContrastGradient_parameters _colorQuantization_parameters _convolution_parameters _csPresegmentation_parameters _dilation_parameters _distanceTransform_parameters _edgeDetector_parameters _erosion_parameters _externViewer_parameters _featureExtractor_parameters _filter_parameters _functor_parameters _geometricFeatures_parameters _getStdString _globalFeatureExtractor_parameters _gradientFunctor_parameters _ioBMP_parameters _ioFunctor_parameters _ioImage_parameters _ioJPEG_parameters _ioPNG_parameters _kMColorQuantization_parameters _kMeansSegmentation_parameters _localFeatureExtractor_parameters _localMoments_parameters _meanShiftSegmentation_parameters _modifier_parameters _morphology_parameters _newclass _object _objectsFromMask_objectStruct _objectsFromMask_parameters _polygonApproximation_parameters _regionGrowing_parameters _segmentation_parameters _setStdString _skeleton_parameters _swig_getattr _swig_setattr _swig_setattr_nondynamic _transform_parameters _usePalette_parameters _viewerBase_parameters _whiteningSegmentation_parameters areaPoints barray bgenericMatrix bgenericVector bkernel1D bkernel2D bmatrix borderPoints cannyEdges chainCode channel channel32 channel8 chromaticityHistogram classicEdgeDetector classifier colorContrastGradient colorQuantization convertToSimpleTree convolution csPresegmentation cvar darray delete_doubleArray delete_floatArray delete_intArray dgenericMatrix dgenericVector dilation distanceTransform dkernel1D dkernel2D dmatrix doubleArr doubleArr_frompointer doubleArray_getitem doubleArray_setitem dpoint dsepKernel dvector edgeDetector emptyPalette endianness erosion externViewer fandoKernelXX fandoKernelXY fandoKernelYY farray featureExtractor fgenericMatrix fgenericVector filter fkernel1D fkernel2D floatArr floatArr_frompointer floatArray_getitem floatArray_setitem fmatrix fpoint fsepKernel functor fvector geometricFeatures getMyTree getTestTree getTestTree2 globalFeatureExtractor gradientFunctor hessianKernelXX hessianKernelXY hessianKernelYY histogram histogram1D histogram2D histogram_outerBoundsCell iandoKernelXX iandoKernelXY iandoKernelYY iarray igenericMatrix igenericVector ikernel1D ikernel2D image imatrix intArr intArr_frompointer intArray_getitem intArray_setitem ioBMP ioFunctor ioHandler ioImage ioJPEG ioObject ioPNG ioPoints ipoint ipolygonPoints isNull isepKernel ivector kMColorQuantization kMeansSegmentation laplacianKernel list_areaPoints list_borderPoints list_ioPoints list_ipoint loadBMP loadImage loadJPEG loadPNG localFeatureExtractor localMoments mathObject meanShiftSegmentation modifier morphology new_doubleArray new_floatArray new_intArray notNull object objectsFromMask palette pointList polygonApproximation polygonPoints read regionGrowing rgbPixel rgbPixelgenericMatrix rgbPixelmatrix rgbgenericVector saveBMP saveImage saveJPEG savePNG segmentation simple_tree_double simple_tree_objectStruct simple_tree_objectsFromMask_objectStruct skeleton splitImage splitImageToHLS splitImageToHSI splitImageToHSV splitImageToRGB splitImageToYUV splitImageTorgI supervisedInstanceClassifier transform usePalette usepKernel uvector viewerBase whiteningSegmentation write