#!/usr/bin/env ruby # $Id$ =begin GridFlow Copyright (c) 2001,2002 by Mathieu Bouchard This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See file ./COPYING for further informations on licensing terms. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. =end #----------------------------------------------------------------# require "rbconfig" require "ftools" include Config DESTDIR = "#{CONFIG['sitedir']}/#{CONFIG['MAJOR']}.#{CONFIG['MINOR']}" RUBY = "ruby" LIBRUBY_A = "#{CONFIG['libdir']}/ruby/" + "#{CONFIG['MAJOR']}.#{CONFIG['MINOR']}/" + "#{CONFIG['arch']}/libruby.a" FILES = [ [:directory, "base/", [:ruby, "main.rb"], [:ruby, "MainLoop.rb"], ], [:directory, "format/", [:ruby, "main.rb"], ], [:directory, "extra/", [:ruby, "eval_server.rb"], [:ruby, "smpte.rb"], [:ruby, "server_2.rb"], [:ruby, "server_1_grid.rb"], [:ruby, "server_1_ppm.rb"], ], ] #----------------------------------------------------------------# # Generic Parts class Or attr_reader :a class< "1.7" log << "error \##{ret}\n" if ret>0 return ret<=0 end def c_test code, *link log = "" log << code << "\n" File.open("/tmp/#{$$}.c","w") {|f| f.puts code } command = ["/usr/bin/env", "gcc", "/tmp/#{$$}.c", "-o", "/tmp/#{$$}", *link] launch2 log,*command or return false command = ["/tmp/#{$$}"] launch2 log,*command or return false true ensure LOG.puts log end def launch stdin,stdout,stderr,*command # -> returncode child = fork if not child then STDIN.reopen stdin if stdin STDOUT.reopen stdout if stdout STDERR.reopen stderr if stderr exec *command STDERR.puts "SHOULD NOT GET THERE" exit! end child end def join_pid pid Process.waitpid2(pid)[1] end #----------------------------------------------------------------# # Specific to the GridFlow project class Feature def initialize(&b) instance_eval(&b) end def self.attr2(sym) eval "def #{sym}(*args) raise args.inspect if args.length>1 @#{sym}=args[0] if args.length>0 @#{sym} end" end attr2 :tag attr2 :name attr2 :status #!@#$ attr2 :uses_so #!@#$ attr2 :uses_h #!@#$ attr2 :uses_feature #!@#$ attr2 :test #!@#$ attr2 :formats #!@#$ attr2 :options #!@#$ attr2 :unless_feature #!@#$ attr2 :action #!@#$ attr2 :defines #!@#$ end $features = [ Feature.new { tag :libruby name "Ruby as a dynamic library" uses_so ["-lruby"] test proc { c_test " #include <#{$conf[:RUBY_H]}> int main (void) { return !rb_rescue; } ", "-lruby" } }, Feature.new { tag :librubystatic unless_feature [:libruby] name "Ruby as a static library" test proc { # p "",l,File.exist?(l) c_test " #include <#{$conf[:RUBY_H]}> int main (void) { return !rb_rescue; } ", LIBRUBY_A, *(CONFIG['LIBS'].split) } options ["HAVE_STATIC_RUBY"] defines [["PATH_LIBRUBY_A",LIBRUBY_A], ["LIBS_LIBRUBY_A",CONFIG['LIBS']]] }, Feature.new { tag :fast name "Compile for speed (and not debuggability)" }, Feature.new { tag :pentium name "Pentium-compatible CPU" uses_so ["-mpentium"] test proc { # this is very "heuristic" to say the least. sorry. # please fix me. c_test ' typedef unsigned long long uint64; int main(void) { uint64 x; __asm__ volatile (".byte 0x0f, 0x31" : "=A" (x)); return 0;}' } options ["HAVE_PENTIUM"] }, Feature.new { tag :profiler name "profiler (speed measurements)" uses_feature [:pentium] options ["HAVE_TSC_PROFILING"] }, Feature.new { tag :x11 name "X11 Display Protocol" uses_so ["-L/usr/X11R6/lib","-lX11","-lXext"] test proc { c_test " #include int main (void) {return !XSetErrorHandler;} ", *uses_so } formats ["X11"] }, Feature.new { tag :x11_shm name "X11 acceleration through shared memory" uses_feature [:x11] uses_so ["-L/usr/X11R6/lib","-lX11","-lXext"] test proc { c_test " #include #include #include #include #include #include int main (void) {return !XShmPutImage;} ", *uses_so } options ["HAVE_X11_SHARED_MEMORY"] }, Feature.new { tag :sdl name "Simple Directmedia Layer" uses_so ["-lSDL"] #uses_h ["SDL/SDL.h"] test proc { c_test " #include int main (void) {return !SDL_MapRGB;} ", *uses_so } formats ["SDL"] }, Feature.new { tag :videodev name "Video4linux Digitizer Driver Interface" test proc { c_test " #include #include int main (void) { struct video_window foo; return 0; } " } formats ["VideoDev"] }, Feature.new { tag :mpeg3 name "HeroineWarrior's LibMPEG3" uses_so ["-lmpeg3","-lpthread","-lm", "-L/usr/X11R6/lib","-I/usr/X11R6/include"] uses_h Or["libmpeg3/libmpeg3.h","libmpeg3.h"] test proc {|h| c_test " #include <#{h.uses_h}> int main (void) { return !mpeg3_open; } ", *uses_so } formats ["MPEG3"] }, Feature.new { tag :mpeg name "Greg Ward's LibMPEG" unless_feature :mpeg3 uses_so ["-lmpeg"] test proc { c_test " #include int main (void) { return !GetMPEGFrame; } ", *uses_so } formats ["MPEG"] }, Feature.new { tag :quicktime name "HeroineWarrior's QuickTime file reader" uses_so ["-lquicktime","-lpthread","-lpng","-ldl","-lglib"] test proc { c_test " #include int main (void) { return !quicktime_open; } ", *uses_so } formats ["QuickTime"] }, Feature.new { tag :jmax25 name "IRCAM's jMax 2.5" uses_feature [Or[:libruby,:librubystatic]] test proc { has_jmax "-DLINUXPC" and #!@#$ nonportable File.exist?($conf[:JMAX_SOURCES]+"/include/fts/lang/mess.h") } options ["HAVE_JMAX_2_5"] }, Feature.new { tag :jmax30 name "IRCAM's jMax 3.0 / 3.1" uses_feature [Or[:libruby,:librubystatic]] unless_feature :jmax25 status :disabled test proc { has_jmax "-DLINUXPC" and #!@#$ nonportable File.exist?($conf[:JMAX_SOURCES]+"/include/ftsconfig.h") } options ["HAVE_JMAX_3_0"] }, Feature.new { tag :puredata name "Miller Puckette's Pure Data" uses_feature [Or[:libruby,:librubystatic]] options ["HAVE_PUREDATA"] test proc { c_test " \#include int main (void) { return 0; } " } }] $features_h = {} $features.each {|f| $features_h[f.tag]=f } #--------------------------------# $conf={ :JMAX_ARCH => nil, :LDSOFLAGS => ["-lm"], :FEATURES => {}, :FORMATS => [], :OPTIONS => [], :DEFINES => [], } #--------------------------------# def usage log = "" log << "usage: ./configure " log << "[--jmax-dist-dir directory] [--jmax-arch arch] " log << "[--puredata-dist-dir directory] " log << "[--debug] " $features_h.keys.map {|k| k.to_s }.sort.each {|k| log << "[--no-#{k}] " } puts while log.length>0 do puts log.slice!(/^.{1,70} /) end end puts if not File.exist?("./configure") puts "Run me from the right directory please." exit 1 end while ARGV.length>0 do arg=ARGV.shift case arg when /^--no-/ name = arg[5..-1].intern puts "there is no feature called #{name}" if not $features_h[name] puts "won't check for feature #{name}" $features_h.delete name when "--debug" puts "Debug Mode (more error checking; less speed)" $conf[:OPTIONS].push :HAVE_DEBUG when "--jmax-arch"; $conf[:JMAX_ARCH]=ARGV.shift when "--jmax-dist-dir"; $conf[:JMAX_SOURCES]=ARGV.shift when "--help"; usage; exit 0 else puts "unknown option \"#{arg}\""; usage; exit 1 end end if not $conf[:JMAX_SOURCES] $conf[:JMAX_SOURCES]=`(cd ../..; echo $PWD)`.chomp if FileTest.directory? $conf[:JMAX_SOURCES]+"/Makefiles" puts "assuming --jmax-dist-dir #{$conf[:JMAX_SOURCES]}" else #!@#$ should really disable. puts "jMax disabled (otherwise use the --jmax-dist-dir option)" end end LOG = File.open "./config.log", "w" #--------------------------------# def has_jmax(*link); c_test ' #include "fts/fts.h" /* int main (void) { puts(FTS_VERSION_STRING); return 0; } */ int main (void) { return 0; } ', *link end DUAL = Object.new DUAL.instance_eval { def self.print x LOG .puts x; LOG .flush STDERR.print x; STDERR.flush end def self.puts x self.print x+"\n" end } def try feature if Or===feature.uses_h for i in feature.uses_h.a do e=feature.dup e.uses_h i e.name(e.name+" <#{e.uses_h}>") r=try e return r if r end return false end LOG.puts "-"*64, "" DUAL.print "[#{feature.tag}] #{feature.name}: " (feature.uses_feature||[]).find {|f| if Or===f f.a.find {|x| $conf[:FEATURES][x] } or DUAL.puts "disabled (would need #{f})" else if not $conf[:FEATURES][f] DUAL.puts "disabled (would need #{f})" return end end } if feature.status == :disabled DUAL.puts "disabled (by author)" return end if not $features_h[feature.tag] DUAL.puts "disabled (by user)" return end fu = feature.unless_feature || [] fu = [fu] if not Array===fu for f in fu || [] do if $conf[:FEATURES][f] then DUAL.puts "disabled (using #{f} instead)" return end end if feature.test if feature.test.call(feature) DUAL.puts "found" else DUAL.puts "missing" return false end else puts "enabled" $conf[:FEATURES][feature.tag] = feature feature.action.call if feature.action end feature.action.call if feature.action $conf[:FEATURES][feature.tag] = feature $conf[:LDSOFLAGS].concat(feature.uses_so||[]) $conf[:FORMATS].concat(feature.formats||[]) $conf[:OPTIONS].concat(feature.options||[]) $conf[:DEFINES].concat(feature.defines||[]) true end $conf[:RUBY_H] = Config::CONFIG["archdir"] + "/ruby.h" $conf[:RUBYIO_H] = Config::CONFIG["archdir"] + "/rubyio.h" begin $features.each {|feature| try feature } ensure system "/bin/rm -f /tmp/#{$$} /tmp/#{$$}.c" end $conf[:LDSOFLAGS].uniq! #--------------------------------# puts "" for z in [:JMAX_ARCH, :LDSOFLAGS, :FORMATS, :OPTIONS, :DEFINES] do puts "#{z}: #{$conf[z].inspect}" end puts "" #--------------------------------# # extconf.rb def my_install_files(f,base,entries) entries.each {|type,name,*rest| case type when :ruby f.puts "\tinstall --mode 644 #{base+name} $(RUBYDESTDIR)/gridflow/#{base+name}" when :directory f.puts "\tmkdir -p $(RUBYDESTDIR)/gridflow/#{base+name}" my_install_files(f,base+name,rest) end } end def my_uninstall_files(f,base,entries) entries.each {|type,name,*rest| case type when :ruby f.puts "\trm $(RUBYDESTDIR)/gridflow/#{base+name}" when :directory my_uninstall_files(f,base+name,rest) end } end def make_makefile f f.puts "RUBYDESTDIR = #{DESTDIR}", "" f.puts "RUBY = #{RUBY}" f.puts "ruby-all::", "" # f.puts "Makefile: extconf.rb", "\t$(RUBY) extconf.rb", "" f.puts "ruby-install::" my_install_files(f,"",FILES) f.puts f.puts "ruby-uninstall::" my_uninstall_files(f,"",FILES) f.puts end #--------------------------------# #p $rubylibdir =begin CONF = Config::MAKEFILE_CONFIG CONF['rubylibdir'] = CONF['sitelibdir'] CONF['archdir'] = CONF['sitearchdir'] =end require "mkmf" #p $rubylibdir #--------------------------------# puts "generating ./config.make" File.open("./config.make","w") {|f| f.puts " RUBYARCH=#{CONFIG["arch"]} ifndef ARCH ARCH=#{$conf[:JMAX_ARCH]} endif " if $conf[:OPTIONS].include? "HAVE_JMAX_2_5" f.puts " JMAXROOTDIR=#{$conf[:JMAX_SOURCES]} JMAXDISTDIR=#{$conf[:JMAX_SOURCES]} include $(JMAXDISTDIR)/Makefiles/Makefile.$(ARCH) " end f.puts "GRIDFLOW_LDSOFLAGS = " + $conf[:LDSOFLAGS].join(" ") f.puts "GRIDFLOW_LDSOFLAGS += " + $LDFLAGS f.puts "CFLAGS += -I#{$conf[:JMAX_SOURCES]}/include -xc++ " + $CFLAGS for z in $conf[:OPTIONS] do f.puts "#{z}=yes" end for z in $conf[:DEFINES] do f.puts "#{z[0]}=#{z[1]}" end $sources = sources = %w( base/number.c base/grid.c base/main.c base/flow_objects.c ) for format in $conf[:FORMATS] do sources << "format/#{format.downcase}.c" end f.puts "SOURCES = #{sources.join(" ")} \\" f.puts "" #make_makefile f } #--------------------------------# puts "generating config.h" File.open("config.h","w") {|f| f.puts " \#ifndef __CONFIG_H \#define __CONFIG_H /* this file was auto-generated by gridflow/configure */ #{`make -f Makefile.gf export-config`} \#include \"#{$conf[:RUBY_H]}\" \#include \"#{$conf[:RUBYIO_H]}\" \#ifndef RUBY_H \#error \"Can't do anything without ruby.h\" \#endif " if $conf[:FORMATS]!=[] then f.puts "#define FORMAT_LIST(_pre_,_post_) \\" f.puts $conf[:FORMATS].map {|fmt| " _pre_ Format#{fmt}##_post_" }.join(",\\\n") end for z in $conf[:OPTIONS] do f.puts "#define #{z}" end if $conf[:FEATURES][:mpeg3] f.puts " \#ifdef LIBMPEG_INCLUDE_HERE \#include <#{$conf[:FEATURES][:mpeg3].uses_h}> \#endif \#ifdef JMAX_INCLUDE_HERE \#include \"#{$conf[:JMAX_SOURCES]}/include/fts/fts.h\" \#endif \#ifdef PUREDATA_INCLUDE_HERE \#include \#endif " end f.puts " #endif /* __CONFIG_H */" } puts "", "please see ./config.log for the details of the configuration tests", "" #--------------------------------# $LOCAL_LIBS = "$(GRIDFLOW_LDSOFLAGS)" $objs = $sources.collect{|i| i.sub(/.c$/,".o") } dir_config("gridflow") #p $rubylibdir create_makefile("gridflow") #p $rubylibdir mf = File.readlines("Makefile").join"" #p mf.length mf.gsub!(/-c \$<$/,"-c \$< -o $@") mf.gsub!(/\*\.o/,"*.o */*.o") mf.sub!(/^install:.*/,"install: install2 site-install") mf.sub!(/^all:/,"all: all2 ") mf.sub!(/^clean:/,"clean: clean2 ") mf.gsub!(/^(site-)?install:\n\n/,"") #HACK mf.gsub!(/.c.o:\n\t\$\(CC\)/,".c.o:\n\t\$\(CC\) -xc++") #p mf.length f = File.open("Makefile","w") f.puts "include config.make" f.puts mf f.puts "include Makefile.gf" make_makefile f f.close =begin for z in [ :$srcdir, :$libdir, :$rubylibdir, :$archdir, :$sitedir, :$sitelibdir, :$sitearchdir, ] do puts "#{z} = #{eval z.to_s}" end =end