uplevel {\$1} {\,} {\$2} {\,} {\$3} = rgb colour {\$1} {\,} {\$2} {\,} {\$3} = rgb colour {\$1} {\,} {\$2} {\,} {\$3} = rgb colour {\$1} = direction (\"x\" or {"y")} {\$2} {\,} {\$3} = start position xy {\$4} = increment for box_align only : y position of bottom of bbox of lowest connected element (after repositioning). aligns boxes connected to the right-outlet of the current abstraction instance. miscellaneous weird features for evil purposes. make dotted or dashed rectangles around all boxes (usually comments) connected to the right-outlet of the current abstraction instance. Those boxes represent the bbox. draw orange angled wires in the shape that you see when you go in edit mode in a help file such as this one. draw orange dashed straight wires such as those you see in the {[doc_also]} below when in edit mode. serves to hide the aforementioned orange wires while in run-mode.