get {"current} working directory\" that is {\,} the default folder according to UNIX. get it fully-qualified name of the folder that pd was started from (unless you use an external to change this setting). this has nothing to do with File->Open's memory of the last folder. this is something you can set from a Terminal (actually from the Shell that is running in the Terminal) using the {"cd"} command {\,} but it will only propagate to pd if you start pd directly from a Shell configured in such a manner. GNOME applications (Linux or other) depend. When using the {"gnome-open"} command in Terminal {\,} the last {"cd"} gets transferred to Pd {\,} but when clicking in GNOME's File Navigator {\,} the user's home folder is used instead (e.g. {"symbol} /home/matju\") OSX applications opened using the dock {\,} or using the {"open"} command in the Shell {\,} would make {[gf/getcwd]} report {"symbol} /\". (just a slash: this is what is otherwise known as {"Macintosh} HD\") {}