default: gets all attributes. gets a specific attribute. a message is sent through right outlet. image coming out most any inlet 0 message is also an outlet 0 message whose output can be triggered using 'get'. you can send this to an [#in], but you could use [#camera] instead. get images from a Quicktime Camera this is for Mac OSX only. open first device prints a list of all attribute names in the console 0..65536: the main brightness setting 0..65536: also called "saturation" 0..65536: the main contrast setting 0..65536: the main hueshift setting "y": 1 channel: grey "rgba": 4 channels: red, green, blue, alpha, in which alpha is always set to 255 "yuv": 3 channels: grey, blue/yellow, red/cyan "rgb": 3 channels: red, green, blue (default)