This object imports a grid, usually an image, video or live stream. <--click here "loop 0" - turns off the loop option. The video stops once it reaches the end. Displays the resulting grid when connected to [#out window] The following messages can be used to set parameters for video (.mov) files. different versions of LibQuickTime may include support for different codecs, and some may also support entirely different wrapper formats such as AVI. Codecs must be set before first frame is written. QuickTime library for Macintosh: Apple QuickTime (some codecs/features may not be available). Number of frames per second. Determines window size when reading a video file. quicktime library for linux accepts LibQuickTime ( codecs currently available are: Raw, jpeg, png, mipa, yuv2, yuv4. Sets height and width. Must be set before setting the codec parameters and after setting framerate and codec. <-- <-- <-- <-- <-- <-- <-- <-- Sets compression quality (100 being the highest quality, but a large file. 75-85 is the standard setting). Other colorspaces include rgba, bgr, bgra, yuv, yuva. see also : <--click here <--click here or Sets height and width of the input. In the case of mmap, the extra numeric argument sets the queue length in number of frames, so you can select an appropriate tradeoff between efficiency and latency. Grid Settings This is the standard and fastest way to receive pictures from the camera. Message "get brightness" or "get" followed by any of the other colour attributes will display its values in the console. Opens video device. Supported values are RGB24 or YUV420P. Color Adjustments Values from 0 to 65535 <-- <-- <-- <-- <-- Some cameras/drivers only support "transfer read" and not mmap. see also : (and turn off the metro) <-- vary this IMAGE FILES: VIDEO FILES: <-- click here <-- sends a bang upon reaching the end of the file "loop 1" - Restarts a video each time it reaches the end (default setting). auto-open with auto-detect of the format-handler auto-open with manual choice of the format-handler nothing opened, you have to open by yourself \$1=filename. sends it as a resource to [#in]. For example: "open sewing.jpg". frame number of the frame currently being viewed. Applies to formats that have frame numbers, i.e. video. A bang reads a frame and sends it through the outlet. Since frames from videos and live streams are read as a series of individual grids, successive bangs advance through the frames. A bang reads a frame and sends it through the outlet. Since frames from videos and live streams are read as a series of individual grids, successive bangs advance through the frames. this is format-specific. most formats produce grids that have dimensions (rows columns rgb). In formats that read from a file, reading another picture will continue if there are several pictures in the same file, but if the end of file is reached instead, it will rewind and send the first picture again. Closes the video input device. Only necessary when you are using a live capture device. select the video frame numbered \$1, where 0 is the first frame. A bang must be sent to [#in] in order to display the frame. this only works with video file formats. same as set \$1, bang shortcut for open \$1, bang, close Signals that the requested operation cannot be performed because the end of the file was reached. Signals that the requested operation cannot be performed because [#in] is in closed mode. This could mean a «close» message was previously sent, or no «open» (or equivalent) was ever done, or the file was not found, or the file was read-protected, or the device is locked by another object or application that opened it (busy), or any other reason. picture formats movie formats generic file format that can encode any grid. cameras note that [#out] supports some more modules (those that are only for output) click on a hyperlink for more info alias for either quicktimeapple or quicktimehw Will rewind video to the beginning. Will also rewind an image sequence to the beginning (image sequence formats, such as what #io.ppm allows, only allow 'rewind', not 'set') passed to the file format handler currently open. If none is open, this will send a "not_open" message on outlet 1 See the help for the specific module that you are using, by clicking a link above. to get screenshots. see also [pix_snap] and [pix_snap2tex]. coming from the specific module you are using. click on one of the links in the Creation Arguments section.