Grid with 4 channels Note : The fps is dependent on the gemwin framerate Has to be a 'pix' gemlist Passthrough outlet for gem chain numbertype of grid to be output colorspace rgb: output 3 channels colorspace rgba: output 4 channels (default: rgba) NOTE: you don't actually need to do anything else with the pix on the GEM-side (like [pix_texture] or other), but you do need to have an active [gemhead], by creating a [gemwin] even if you don't display anything in it. (or you could figure out to do a dummy off-screen rendering to get rid of the window, and send it on gridflow-dev, at With one boolean argument that selects the order in which the y dimension of the Grid will be read, defaults to '0' if you use win32 with sdl, DON'T click this <-- extracts pix from gemlist and produces grid examples/game_of_life_gem.pd you can use this with [pix_image], [pix_video], [pix_film], etc, as long as the pix format is RGBA. You can enforce that using [pix_rgba]. is a [gemhead]-like thing that doesn't need a [gemwin]. but you may also use a [gemhead] with a [gemwin] as long as the window is created and [gemhead] is activated. you don't need this if you use [gemdead]