#N canvas 509 138 632 344 10; #X obj 0 315 doc_f; #X text 126 40 an auto-positioning documentation header; #X obj 3 215 doc_i 0; #X obj 3 255 doc_o 0; #X obj 3 127 doc_c 1; #X obj 14 157 doc_cc 0; #X obj 97 157 doc_m c0 symbol; #X text 232 157 namespace prefix (can't be figured out automatically for now). must include trailing slash. hopefully this is a temporary measure.; #X obj 3 295 doc_also; #X text 103 295 [doc_h]; #X text 128 66 looks quite like [doc_h] \, but is suitable as a standard header for patches that are in gridflow/examples/*.pd \, as it doesn't autocreate other section boxes such as [doc_c].; #X obj 0 0 doc_h; #X connect 6 1 7 0; #X connect 8 1 9 0;