video4jmax - installation help




i) jmax 2.5 (should work under jmax 2.4.12)
ii) an X11 display server

note: you will need to have a version of jmax running, for help on installing and compiling jmax, please see Christian Klippel's extensive help file at as well as the jmax docs.


Installation process (for jMax 2.5)

1. Untar the archive with tar -xvtf video4jmax_current_version.tgz in your 'packages' directory. This will create the video4jmax directory and place all the files within.

2. Run './configure --jmax25' from the video4jmax directory. That should take care of adjusting the Makefiles to your current version and point to the right header for fts.

Files Changed by configure:

3. From the packages/video4jmax directory, do this:

  • make all ARCH=i686-linux
  • make install ARCH=i686-linux

Where you replace i686-linux by your architecture name (e.g. ppc-macosx).

5. Add "package require video4jmax" within the "when start" section of ~/.jmaxrc and (re)start jmax. (remove the older line if you upgrade).


Installation process (for jMax 2.4)

1. Untar the archive with tar -xvtf video4jmax_current_version.tgz in your 'packages' directory. This will create the video4jmax directory and place all the files within.

2. Run './configure --jmax24' from the video4jmax directory. That should take care of adjusting the Makefiles to your current version and point to the right header for fts.

Files Changed by configure:

3. In file packages/Makefile change the C_PACKAGES list to include video4jmax (remove the old 'video' if you upgrade).

4. From the toplevel directory (above 'packages'), do this:

  • make all ARCH=i686-linux
  • make install ARCH=i686-linux

Where you replace i686-linux by your architecture name (e.g. ppc-macosx).

5. Add "package require video4jmax" within the "when start" section of ~/.jmaxrc and (re)start jmax. (remove the older line if you upgrade).


Thank you to Christian Klippel who provided Makefiles