Grid Literals In every grid-accepting inlet, a list may be sent instead; if it consists only of integers, it will be converted to a one-dimensional grid. Else it may contain a single "#" sign and integers on both sides of it, where the ones to the left of it are fed as arguments to an imaginary [#redim] object and the one to the right of it are fed through that [#redim]. In every grid-accepting inlet, an integer or float may also be sent; it will be converted to a zero-dimensional grid (a scalar). Grid Protocol a grid has an associated number type that defines what are the possible values for its elements (and how much space it takes). the default is int32. a single-dimensional grid of 3 elements (a triplet) is called dim(3). a three-dimensional grid of 240 rows of 320 columns of triplets is called dim(240,320,3). There is a sequence in which elements of a Grid are stored and transmitted. Dimension 0 is called "first" and dimension N-1 is called "last". They are called so because if you select a position in the first dimension of a grid, the selected part is of the same shape minus the first dimension; so in dim(240,320,3) if you select row 51 (or whichever valid row number), you get a dim(320,3). if you select a subpart two more times you get to a single number. At each such level, elements are sent/stored in their numeric order, and are numbered using natural numbers starting at 0. This ordering usually does not matter, but sometimes it does. Most notably, [#import], [#export] and [#redim] care about it. On the other hand, order of dimensions usually does matter; this is what distinguishes rows from columns and channels, for example. Most objects care about the distinction. A grid with only 1 element in a given dimension is different from one lacking that dimension; it won't have the same meaning. You can use this property to your advantage sometimes. Zero-dimensional grids exist. They are called dim(). They can only contain a single number. Picture Protocol This section is useful if you want to know what a picture is in terms of a grid. A picture is a three-dimensional Grid: 0:rows 1:columns 2:channels Channels for the RGB color model are: 0:red 1:green 2:blue Because Grids are made of 32-bit integers, a three-channel picture uses 96 bpp (bits per pixel), and have to be downscaled to 24 bpp (or 16 bpp) for display. That huge amount of slack is there because when you create your own effects you often have intermediate results that need to be of higher precision than a normal picture. Especially, results of multiplications are big and should not overflow before you divide them back to normal; and similarly, you can have negative values all over, as long as you take care of them before they get to the display. In the final conversion, high bits are just ignored. This means: black is 0, maximum is 255, and values wrap like with % 256. If you want to clip them, you may use [# max 0] and [# min 255] objects. The following are called VecOps because each operation happens between more than just two numbers. A first kind of VecOp are those that arise when a pair of numbers (A0,A1) is considered as a single number A0+A1*sqrt(-1). If you need complex numbers but don't know yet how they work, learn them using a math tutorial and then those VecOps will begin to seem familiar. All the complex number operators are only for floats. TODO: fill the last two columns of this table. Synchronisation In GridFlow you cannot send two grids in different inlets at the same time. You have to use [#finished] together with (possibly) [fork] and [#store], which can be cumbersome. If you don't do this, the result is undefined behaviour (or crash!). There are two exceptions: [#store] and # allow right-inlet grids to be buffered if an operation is occuring on left inlet. This should make many programs simpler. Introduction The philosophy that guides PureData is a simple but powerful one: the software must first provide the user with generic tools rather than imposing pre-cooked effects. In other words the user should have total freedom. GridFlow follows that philosophy: it first defines elementary mathematical operations. Those can in turn be used as simple visual effects or be combined to produce more complex effects. The strategy followed by most video plugins for PureData and MAX/MSP, is to provide the user first with constructs for manipulating video streams at a fairly high level. The strategy put forward by GridFlow is different. It can be said that in all those video plugins there are three layers: the first, the low level, is not accessible to non-programmers (and fairly difficult of access even to programmers); the second, mathematical, where one needs not to be a C++ programmer, but still requires a good understanding of how numbers and pixels and colours and geometry work; and a third level that looks more like the software an artist would like to use. In other video plugins there is a fairly low emphasis on the second layer. In GridFlow that layer is very strong and opens many possibilities. Even though the third layer in GridFlow is not as developed as it could, the second layer may be used to produce third-layer object classes much more quickly. GridFlow provides a unifying view of multimedia information. Several kinds of data -- raster graphics in any number of channels, coordinate transforms, matrices, vectors -- may all be represented by Grids (also known as multi-dimensional arrays). Grids exist in several ways: they are usually streamed from object to object, but they can also be stored in memory, stored into a file, sent through the network. Here is an example of how things work in GridFlow. (if you want more information, consult the rest of this manual) A picture is a three-dimensional Grid: 0 : rows 1 : columns 2 : channels Pictures come in all sorts of heights and widths. The channels, however, are more limited in number. Usually it's three: Red, Green, Blue. A coordinate transform, when specified pixel by pixel, may be a three-dimensional Grid in which the two "channels" are Y and X, representing row-and-column positions in a separate picture. Other shapes of grids could be designed to represent various things; for example, configuration for blur effects. Grids could be useful for things not directly related to raster pictures (e.g. sound recordings). Those are all kinds of things you could actually develop _within_ the PureData / GridFlow framework. You don't need to wait for me. GridFlow Release dir=gridflow-0.9.6; tag=gridflow_0_9_6 svn copy svn+ssh:// svn+ssh://$tag/ svn export svn+ssh://$tag/ $dir chmod -R go=u-w $dir && tar cfzvv $dir.tar.gz $dir && rm -rf $dir scp $dir.tar.gz mv $dir.tar.gz /home/matju/GridFlow cd doc/homepage; pico index.html; make install download somewhere else and try to compile pd-announce mlist : post release Committed revision 4239. Warning: 'post-commit' hook failed with error output: /home/svn/gridflow/hooks/post-commit: line 49: /home/svn/gridflow/hooks/svn-mailer.log: Permission denied svn copy svn+ssh://$tag/ cd ~/src/svn-pd/externals svn remove gridflow svn commit gridflow cd /tmp svn checkout svn+ssh:// svn import gridflow_0_9_6